Fields > Add a Field > Add a Field

To add a field into AgExpert Field go to Fields from the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen. Select Add field.

There are four options when adding your fields:

  1. Choose will allow you to move around the map (using the click and pull method). Left click the area to select the field location. The boundaries of the field will automatically be filled in. *This option is easy to use for fields based on legal land locations which can be entered in the search bar, in the following format: NE-99-99-99 W4 Note: This option is only available in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. 

  2. Draw will allow you to move around the map (using the click and pull method). Click the first corner of your field to begin tracing the boundaries. Each subsequent click will create a new corner/dot. To complete the boundary, close the area by selecting the first corner/dot. Once the boundaries have been established, you can click and drag the dots to create more accurate borders.

  3. Import will allow you to use a .shp (shape) file to create your fields’ boundaries. Browse your computer to locate where the .shp files are saved and select it.
  4. You can also use Add fields to add multiple fields from a single shp (shape).  You will get a slide-out from the right, click on the Choose shapefile button and browse your computer for the .shp or .zip file with your images.

Check a field to import the field from the .shp file, and type in a name.

Alternatively, you can use the Autofill field names button to use the existing properties of your .shp file to name your fields.

Once you have selected all the fields you wish to import, click Save.

Enter the name, total area, ownership (owned or rented). The total area will be filled in automatically but can be adjusted if needed. Enter any notes if necessary.  If the field is irrigated, you can fill in the pump data as needed.


Click Save to finish.

Last updated on July 26, 2023 by FCC AgExpert