AgExpert Analyst > Mobile > Data transfer process
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Data transfer process
AgExpert Mobile
NOTE: The data transfer process will unload the information from your phone and store it on the FCC Management Software server (cloud).
To unload the information from AgExpert Mobile:
- Tap the
icon from My receipts.
- Your transactions will automatically sync to the cloud and will be removed from your screen.
AgExpert Analyst
- Select Import from AgExpert Mobile in the Transactions menu. The AgExpert Mobile Import Wizard dialogue box appears.
- Click Download from Cloud.
- Enter the same e-mail address and password that you used when creating your AgExpert Mobile account.
- Click Import as Withdrawal, Import as Payable, Import as Deposit or Import as Receivable..
- A list of transactions pulled from the AgExpert Analyst App will be displayed.
- Select the transaction you want to add details.
- Click the
button. The Transaction Entry dialogue box will open.
- Enter the remaining information for the transaction.
- Once you’re done downloading from the Cloud, click Close.
NOTE: The data transfer process will unload the information from your phone and store it on the FCC Management Software server (cloud).
Last updated on June 30, 2014 by FCC AgExpert