
I have my 360 GIS imagery. Now what do I do?

I have my 360 GIS imagery. Now what do I do?

The agriculture industry has seen a big movement towards the use of GPS receivers on tractors, combines, quads and anything else that travels on the fields. Some of these systems are used to guide machinery, others gather extensive amounts of information. Now there’s access to satellite imagery with geo-reference points that are loaded onto computers – rich with information. How is this going to help us grow better crops?

In isolation, this information isn’t going to grow better crops in the same way that doing field walks didn’t grow better crops. The biggest boost that all this information is bringing to producers is to let us manage large farming operations in a very precise way. The days of spending hours walking your fields to learn about soil composition are fading. GIS technology allows producers to use their computer monitor to walk their fields, gather valuable information and ultimately modify management practices, based on increasingly accurate information.  

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