Payroll > Setup > Completing a Record of Employment

Completing a Record of Employment 

A record of employment (ROE) provides information on employment history.  As an employer, you are required to issue a record of employment each time on of your employees experiences an interruption of earnings, whether it is permanent or temporary.

For specific instructions on how hours and earnings are calculated for the record of employment, you can visit Service Canada’s step-by-step instructions.

To create a record of employment for an employee, click Payroll > Employees.  Click the employee you need to create a record of employment for.

Set the employee’s status to Leave (if temporary) or Terminated (if permanent).

Select the reason the employee is leaving.  These reason codes line up with record of employment standards, and no other reasons may be added.

Enter the date the employee last worked.  This may not necessarily be the same as the pay period date.

If you have selected that the employee is on leave, you can enter in the date the employee is expected to return.

Once this information is entered, save the employee record.  On the landing page, to the right of the employee, click the three dots and select Record of Employment.

The employee’s record of employment will download as a PDF file.  You can open this file to view it.

The information populated on this form is not official and should not be given to your employee.  You must go to the Service Canada website and submit this information electronically.  To do this, you can visit ROE Web.

Last updated on July 27, 2020 by FCC AgExpert