Reports > Reports > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable report

The Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable reports can be accessed at any time From the Home Page. 
The Receivables report displays the accounts receivable transaction activity. You can generate one for a single customer or for all customers.
To view a receivables report:
1. Select Reports from the home menu. 
2. Select Accounts Receivable/Payable

3. Select how you want to sort the report- ascending or descending
4. Enter the date or open the drop menu to choose one from the calendar. Transaction activities occurring after this date won’t be included in the report. You can choose any date in the defined fiscal year.

5. Note: If you select Single, the Accounts Receivable/Payable Customers or Suppliers dialogue box appears, listing each available customer. Select the desired customer or supplier. The customer/supplier’s name appears in the field. To change the customer/supplier, simply click on the drop menu and select from the list.


Last updated on May 31, 2023 by FCC AgExpert