Transactions > Transactions - Information > Transaction Attachments

Transaction Attachments 

Attachments can be added to transactions, allowing you to track your source documents along with the transaction itself.  You can attach receipts, pictures, or any other document you want to with your transaction.

To add an attachment to a transaction, click Add in the header of your transaction.

You will need to browse to the location of your file on your computer.  You are free to attach files that are in the .PNG, .JPG, .DOC, and .PDF formats.  You can also select more than one attachment per transaction.  You are limited to 10 MB per transaction.

The attachments will be added to your transaction, and record along with the accounting information itself.  Click Save to record the transaction.

To recall a transaction, you will need to find the transaction on the appropriate landing page.  Click on the transaction to open it.

If your attachment is a picture file, it will open in a new tab when you click it to view.

If your attachment is a DOC or PDF, it will download so that you can open it to view.

Last updated on July 7, 2020 by FCC AgExpert