Transactions > Transaction entry screen > Using the Transaction Entry dialogue box

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Using the Transaction Entry dialogue box

The Transaction Entry dialogue box allows you to enter accounting transactions without doing double-entry accounting. AgExpert Analyst automatically updates the appropriate ledger columns when transactions are entered.

The Transaction Entry dialogue box has two sections: header and details.

The header section, located at the top of the dialogue box, is where you enter banking information about the transaction.

The details section is the grid below the header where you assign parts of the transaction to the appropriate accounts.

Use the Transaction Entry dialogue box to enter:

  • income and expenses
  • withdrawals from and deposits to your bank accounts
  • federal and provincial taxes for remittance
  • charges and payments you’ve made on account (accounts payable and accounts receivable)
  • purchases and sales of inventory
  • transfers of money between bank accounts
  • purchases and sales of capital assets
  • credit card transactions
  • personal drawings and advances accounts
  • inventory information for AgriStability


The following transactions are entered as noted:

  • Adjusting entries and corrections are entered in the General Journal dialogue box.
  • Point of sale transactions that require an invoice are entered through the Point of Sale dialogue box.
  • Payroll entries are entered in the Payroll dialogue box.

Last updated on August 16, 2016 by FCC AgExpert