Year-end > Adjustments > Correcting year-end error -- balances between ($0.99) and $0.99

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Correcting year-end error -- balances between ($0.99) and $0.99

The following error message appears when running a year-end process:

  • Write down the audit number, which is required for maintaining an audit trail, and click OK.

1. Go to Transactions>Edit or Reverse Transaction.

  • Select Show All as the Type.
  • Write down the details of audit #1. In this example, it's a Payable Charge to FCC Management Software.
  • Click the x in the right corner to close the screen.


2. Go to Reports>Reports Console.

  • Click Receivables and Payables.
  • Select Payables.
  • Select Charge Reconciliation as the report Type.
  • Select FCC Management Software as the Single Supplier.
  • Click Generate to generate this report.


3. In the report, the totals in the Charge and Payment columns are different by $0.01. Click the payment to open the Transaction Report.


4. In the Transaction Report, click the audit number corresponding to the payment to open the Transaction Entry screen.

  • Click in the description field of the detail line PP.
  • Click the pencil image to edit the line details.

5. Change the Amount Applied to match the Balance.

  • Click OK

6. A warning will appear indicating that the amount applied does not match the payment amount, which is fine. You'll be out of balance by $0.01.

  • Add a second row by pressing the Tab key.
  • Post the remainder to another account such as Miscellaneous Income.
  • Click Record.
  • Close all screens.

Go to Tools>Year-End to continue with the Year-End Wizard.



Last updated on August 22, 2014 by FCC AgExpert