
AgExpert and John Deere Operations Center

Let’s help you simplify your day-to-day farm management processes. AgExpert and the John Deere Operations Center are able to work together now. This means premium AgExpert users will be able to import their fields and activities directly into AgExpert Field from their My John Deere app. This can greatly reduce the time you spend on data entry.

It’s easy, and takes just a few quick steps:

1.  Authentication

You will first need to authenticate your AgExpert account to your My John Deere account using Partner Connect.

2. Connect the applications

For the first time setup only, you will be prompted to temporarily leave AgExpert Field to log in to John Deere Operations Center and grant access to AgExpert Field.

 3. Import and map your field from your My John Deere account

Once authenticated, import your John Deere fields. If you have multiple John Deere organizations in your Ops Center account, you will need to select the organization to import. Otherwise, this step is skipped.

You will get a list of your John Deere fields. You can import to AgExpert as a new field or map to existing fields. If you select an existing field, you can update the field in AgExpert using the boundaries from the John Deere app.

4. Import activities and associated rates

After importing your field, you can import your activities from John Deere for a crop year. Only activities with a Ready status can be imported. An activity is Ready if the products included in them have been mapped to inputs in AgExpert Field.

To map products to inputs, click on the pencil icon to edit inputs or rates. Previously mapped inputs will be stored and future activities with that input will be automatically set to Ready. Once done editing, click Import to create the activity in AgExpert Field.

Note: Inputs will need to be setup in AgExpert to be mapped to a John Deere product. Adding an input on the fly will be a future release feature.

For activities in a Ready status, users can select the activity and bulk import without editing.


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