Field Manager PRO / PRO 360 > August 2017 Tip > Safely resolve sync error – different crop years
Field Manager PRO / PRO 360 Tip of the of Month - news and helpful advice to help you get the most from your Field Manager PRO / PRO 360 Software.
We’ve had a few calls to our support line about a sync error message that users are encountering. The error message will appear when you tap on the Sync button on your FM PRO Mobile app and looks like this:
This typically occurs when you advance to the next crop year on the desktop and sync it up to the cloud, but your app is still working on the old crop year. To ensure that you don’t lose any unsync’d 2016 records, follow this step-by-step solution.
Fixing the problem
- Press OK on the error message and set the mobile device aside.
- Using your desktop software, set the crop year so that it matches the crop year being used on the app. In this instance, we can see by the Select Farm field at the top of the screen that my app is using the 2016 crop year.
- Complete a sync from the desktop to send the 2016 crop year back up to the cloud.
- You can now sync from your app, using the
- Complete one more sync from the desktop.
You’ve now ensured that any possible unsync’d entries that may have existed on the app are now safe in the desktop file.
Sending your new crop year to the app
- Set the crop year on the desktop file back to 2017 and then complete another sync. This will send the new crop year up to the cloud.
- On the app, sign in or if you’re already signed in, go to the Farms & Fields screen.
- Tap on your farm name and then tap on it again in the next screen. The app will pull the new crop year down from the cloud to replace the old year.
Check out last month’s tip for an overview of how the whole sync process works. You can also find more information in our Knowledge Base.
Last updated on August 14, 2017 by FCC AgExpert