Geographic Information System (GIS) > Records > GIS toolbar
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GIS toolbar
The GIS toolbar is available on Land, Operation, Harvest and Observation dialogue boxes under theSetup menu. To use all GIS features, you must set up your fields and draw a boundary. You can then import data from shapefile and GreenStar™ receivers into an Operations GIS dialogue box.
Zoom in - Click this icon to get a closer view of the image.
Zoom out - Click this icon to get a wider view of the image.
Go to address - Enter a new address to download imagery. You’re limited to a 50-kilometre radius from your initial download location.
Draw polygon - Use this tool to drag an outline around the field you’re viewing in the image. Click a corner of the polygon and drag it to a corner of your image. Double-click anywhere on the line to create a new drag point.
Draw point - Use this tool to mark a point, such as a rock, weed patch or soil test location, on the field image. It can also be used to enter amounts, such as a nitrogen measurement, from at least three points. From these points, a surface map can be created and applied to the image using the Create
Surface icon. Amounts must be entered as numbers only or you can use imported shapefiles or John Deere GreenStar™ files.
Draw line - Use this tool to draw a line on the image or measure the distance between two points. Click on one end and drag it around your image. Double-click anywhere on the line to create a new drag point.
Delete - Use this tool to delete the last entered feature or a selected feature.
Delete all features - Use this tool to clear all entries on the image.
Export - Use this tool to export a KML file that can be opened in Google Earth.
Import - Use this tool to import shapefiles or John Deere GreenStar™ files.
Use recommend imagery - Use this tool to use the recommended imagery.
Use most recent imagery - Use this tool to use the most recent imagery.
Export to PDF - Use this tool to export a PDF of your image file and save or print it.
Last updated on May 15, 2015 by FCC AgExpert