Reports > Reports > Capital Asset Report


Capital Assets report


To generate a capital asset report, select the Reports option from the menu on the left and select Capital assets under the Financial section.


There are three options to sort your report, you can select them by using the drop-down under Sort by: Purchased, Description and Purchase $ (price).  The arrow to the right of the drop-down allows you to sort in ascending or descending order, based on your sort choice.


The asset drop-down allows you to see specific lists of assets: All assets (assets currently in possession or previously in possession), Acquisitions (only assets purchased in the current fiscal year), Current assets (all assets currently in possession) and Disposals (assets sold during the current fiscal year.


You can choose to only see specific classes of assets to show in the report.  To exclude a specific class, uncheck the box on the left-hand side.  To add it back in, just re-check the box.



Last updated on March 23, 2023 by FCC AgExpert