Setup > Setup Information > CCA categories and rates
CCA Categories and Rates

Category 1 (4%) -
- Dams (cement, stone, wood or earth)
- Buildings (acquired after 1987)
- Grain warehouses (other)
Category 2 (6%) –
- Pipes (permanent)
Category 3 (5%) -
- Basins
- Breakwater (cement or stone)
- Buildings (acquired after 1978 and before 1988). The cost of additions or alterations made to a category 3 building after 1987 cannot exceed the lesser of the following amounts: $500,000 or 25% of the capital cost of the building on December 31, 1987. You must include the cost additions and transformations that exceed this limit in category 1.
- Dock (cement, steel or stone)
Category 6 (10%) -
- Buildings and constituent parts (wooden, galvanized or transportable)
- Breakwater (wood)
- Dug cisterns, dykes, lagoons
- Fences (all types)
- Grain warehouses (wood or galvanized sheet)
- Irrigation ponds
- Dock (wood)
- High water tank
- Greenhouses (all types except those with a rigid structure covered with renewable flexible plastic (see category 8))
- Silos
Category 7 (15%) -
- Boats and constituent parts
Category 8 (20%) -
- Recharge Wind Generators
- Trailed windrowers
- Buildings (fruit and vegetable storage, acquired after February 19, 1973)
- Threshers
- Weeders
- Grinders
- grain loaders
- Hay loaders
- plows
- Fruit or vegetable binders
- Incubators
- Cultivators (all types)
- Casing, water well formwork
- Shredders (stem grinders)
- Rippers (all types)
- Spray discs
- cream separators
- Elevators (bale lifts)
- Manure spreaders
- Extirpators
- Mowers
- Nets
- Drills (all types)
- Towed bale stackers
- Harrows
- Incubators
- Power generation facilities (maximum 15kW) (acquired after May 25, 1976)
- Software (other than systems software)
- Ice machinery
- Grain drying machinery
- Mixers
- Beekeeping equipment
- Office equipment (including photocopiers and fax machines)
- Well material
- Welding material
- Raised irrigation equipment
- Computer hardware and systems software (acquired before 2005)
- Trailed combines
- electric motors
- Stationary engines
- Grain or seed cleaners
- Stable cleaners
- Tools over $200 ($500 and over, after May 1 , 2006)
- Planters (all types)
- Pumps
- Trailed hay balers
- Sprayers
- Rakes
- Towed forage harvesters
- Milk coolers
- Silo fillers
- Grain separators
- Greenhouses (rigid structure covered with flexible renewable plastic. This applies to tax years after 1988 for greenhouses purchased after 1987)
- Silos
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Milkers
Category 9 (25%) -
- Aircraft (acquired after May 25, 1976)
- Drones
Category 10 (30%) -
- Self-propelled windrowers
- Automotive
- Trucks
- Trolleys
- Self-propelled bale stackers
- Harness
- Self-propelled combines
- Outboard motors
- Self-propelled hay balers
- Self-propelled forage harvesters
- Trailers
- Chainsaws
- Tractors
- Sledges
- Passenger cars (costing less than $30,000)
Category 10.1 (30%) -
- Passenger cars (costing more than $30,000)
Category 12 (100%) -
- Tools under $200 (under $500, after May 1 , 2006)
Category 13 -
- Leasehold
Category 16 (40%) -
- Aircraft (acquired before May 25, 1976)
- Cargo trucks
Category 17 (8%) -
- Paths or other paved surfaces (asphalt or concrete)
Category 34 - (50%, linear mode)
- Equipment for converting wind energy into electricity (acquired before February 22, 1994)
Category 43.1 - (30%)
- Wind energy to electricity conversion equipment (acquired after February 22, 1994)
Category 45 (45%) -
- Computer hardware and systems software (acquired after March 22, 2004 and before March 19, 2007)
Category 46 (30%) -
- data network infrastructure hardware and operating software (acquired after March 22, 2004)
Category 50 (55%) -
- Computer hardware and systems software (acquired after March 18, 2007 and not included in class 52)
Category 52 (100%) -
- Computer hardware and systems software (acquired after January 27, 2009 and before February 28, 2011)
Updated on December 15, 2017 by FCC Management Software
Last updated on June 27, 2023 by FCC AgExpert