What's New > AgExpert Accounting Updates (35 entries)

  • Requested enhancements. The following requested features and enhancements were made to provide a better customer experience, including: • Emailing an invoice. Users can now customize messages to customers, add ...
  • Accounting Web Payroll updates
  • Requested enhancements. The following requested features and enhancements were made to provide a better customer experience, including:  ...
  • AgExpert Accounting Updates General stability and performance improvements.
  • AgExpert Accounting Updates • Requested enhancements . The following requested features and enhancements were made to provide a better customer experience, including: Ability ...
  • AgExpert Accounting Updates Requested e nhancements . The following requested features and enhancements were made to provide a better customer experience , including:  ...
  • CRA now requires employers with more than 5 employees to submit their year-end payroll reporting (T4, T4A, RL-1 and Summaries) electronically. This release allows users to populate "Box 29 - ...
  • AgExpert Accounting Updates The following requested features and enhancements were made to provide a better customer experience , including: Enterprise feature  ...
  • Please review the following new payroll requirements to accurately create paycheques, report income, and complete tax forms. Set the dental benefit status for each ...
  • Bug fixes
  • User Feedback Enhancements: Enterprise screen: Ability to assign specific percentages to divide income and expenses by enterprises to better view business operations.  ...
  • The following MyFarmConnect integration is now available in AgExpert Accounting: - Connect to your bank with Plaid: Securely link your bank and credit card accounts to AgExpert ...
  • Requested enhancements. The following reports were created to provide a better customer experience: Payroll setup details report Employee listing report  ...
  • This release focuses on enhancements to Accounting and Field that will improve the overall customer experience. These improvements incorporate feedback and requests from current AgExpert customers. AgExpert ...
  • Requested enhancements. The following reports were made to provide a better customer experience, including: Chart of Accounts Inventory Detailed Inventory Summary  ...
  • Requested enhancements. The following reports and enhancements were made to provide a better customer experience, including: Capital Asset Report  ...
  • AgExpert Accounting Updates Payroll updates 10.1 captial Asset maximum has been increased to $34,000 for purchases on ...
  • Reverse GST/PST returns. Premium users can reverse a GST or PST return that was completed by error. This was an enhancement made due to user feedback which will improve the customer ...
  • Custom cheque designer. Users can now create a cheque template that best fits their needs and works with their existing cheque formats
  • Stability and performance enhancements
  • Payroll tables Updated payroll tables for January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 New .csv file type import wizard for bank statements.  ...
  • Report f ilters Added “As at” date selectors to Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Balance ...
  • Payroll tables Updated payroll tables for July 1, 2021 to Dec 31, 2021 Sharing enhancement Assign a role type to a contact when ...
  • Accountant Sharing. Premium Accounting users can now easily share their subscription with their accountant via a new sharing role type called ‘Accountant’. This enhanced sharing role type gives accountants the ability ...
  • Tax allocation for accounts with Business / Personal splits Updated the allocation of taxes on accounts with business and personal splits to align with AgExpert Analyst. 3-year ...
  • Tax Reports (T1163, T1273, T2042) Generate printable T1163, T1273 and T2042 Statement of Farming Activities reports to assist user with completing these tax forms  ...
  • Contacts Update to the Contacts functionality which allows for better sharing of contacts between Field and Accounting modules  ...
  • Updated the payroll tables Added the ability to set a monthly cashflow projection and compare it to your actual cashflow. You will be able to generate a cashflow ...
  • Added the ability to configure statements and invoices. You will now be able to choose between 3 templates, add a logo, enter terms & conditions and a personalized thank you message. ...
  • Added the transaction # on the Transaction entry screen while you're entering the information. Added the ability to print cheques on withdrawal transactions.  ...
  • Annual tax forms are now available (T4, T4 Summary, RL-1, RL-1 Summary). Added the ability to import transactions from a Bank statement. (.qfx and .qbo formats).  ...
  • Payroll Module is now available. You will be able to set up your employees, write paycheques, print cheques and pay stubs and create a remittance for CRA and Revenue Québec (Québec ...
  • Added the ability for to create or migrate up to 5 sets of books Added the ability to create a WCB remittance Added the ability ...
  • View Income and Expense report on a cash or accrual basis. Assign a default income and expense account to suppliers and customers. Transaction number ...
  • Added the ability to use US zip codes for US customers and suppliers. Added the name of the farm at the top of all pages so that users ...