
Check your upcoming cost of production with AgExpert Field

Published June 8, 2020

Knowing your cost of production is a huge advantage when it comes to making informed management decisions on your farm. If you already have an idea of what you want to do in your upcoming crop year, you can use AgExpert Field to record your planned activities and check your potential yields and costs.

Let’s use a spraying activity as an example:

  1. Enter a new activity and select Spray.
  2. Choose your field and make sure the status is set to Planned.

3. Got a team? You can assign the task to a partner or an employee and share the file with them.

4. You can switch the status on the activity page to Completed once it’s done.

Use the scouting activity to go through your fields and identify zones for treatment:

1. Follow the steps as above but choose Scout for your activity.

2. Designate who will execute the task. This person will mark scouted areas on the map and add their observations.

You can easily view all your recorded field activities in a single printable report. For in-depth analysis, you can bring up specific activities and fields.

The Profitability Report will give you insight into where to focus your efforts to reach your financial goals.

Record all your data as planned, then monitor actual numbers (YTD) against your estimates (projections) as you go. This will tell you where you stand.


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